What's New in AliveColors 9.9
el 11 de marzo de 2025 — build 9.9.4509

AliveColors 9.9 offers the new Pencil Sketch, Torn Edges, Lens Correction, and Wave filters, the Artistic Effects group, new and enhanced selection features, a lot of improvements and bug fixes. This update makes image editing easier and more fun! Download the recent version!


Pencil Sketch

The new Pencil Sketch effect transforms photos into sketches, imitating the technique of real drawing. The filter generates breathtaking hand-drawn-like art. You can create black-and-white sketches and color drawings.

Pencil Sketch

Note: This effect is unavailable in the Free version of AliveColors (only for Home and Business licenses).
Other new features are available even in the Free version.


Torn Edges

The Torn Edges effect transforms photos into high-contrast drawings with rough edges and contours, creating a loose paper look.

Torn Edges


Lens Correction

The Lens Correction filter allows you to fix common lens flaws, correct optical distortions, and adjust the perspective of an image.

Lens Correction



The Wave effect in the Distortion group allows you to add distortions in the form of waves, creating undulating pattern.



Artistic Effects

Several old and two new filters are separated into a new group called Artistic Effects. The group includes Comics, Halftone Pattern, Linocut, Pen & Ink, Photocopy, Stencil, as well as the new Pencil Sketch and Torn Edges effects. The artistic filters allow you to stylize painting and drawing techniques, create digital art and polygraph prints. Turn your photos into works of art!

Artistic Effects


Improved Selection Features

The update offers the Magnetic Lasso tool, improved Refine Edges feature and selection modification commands.

Improved Selection


Other Improvements & Fixes

Also, in the new version:

  • Added new Text options (tracking, leading, spaces before and after paragraph).
  • Improved layer effects.
  • Added the shortcut to change the brush size: hold down Alt + right click + drag.
  • Added minor interface improvements.
  • Improved stability and fixed bugs:
    - an error of displaying the quick preview area in the Levels and Curves adjustments;
    - an error when working with text in the PSD format.


    Download AliveColors 9.9! Choose your version:

    System Requirements.


    Check if you are eligible for a free update in the Customer Room or contact us at support@akvis.com.

    Free Update

      Customers who purchased/upgraded AliveColors during the last 12 months can update to the new version for free.

      Download version 9.9. If necessary, re-activate it using your key.

    Paid Update

      Customers whose license is not valid for the latest version can buy AliveColors updates for 20 €.

      When ordering the update, please enter your key of the program into the "Serial number" field. After the payment is completed, your license becomes valid for the new version and all subsequent updates within a year.
      Re-activate the latest version using your key.