Opinioni degli utenti

Leggi le opinioni dei nostri clienti sull'editor di immagini AliveColors.

Per pubblicare la tua recensione in questa pagina, inviarla a team@akvis.com o utilizzare il modulo feedback. I tuoi giudizi per noi sono importanti e aiuteranno a migliorare il nostro software ci ispireranno a produrre nuove utilissimi funzioni.


Antonio Esposito
Avevo bisogno di un effetto particolare per partecipare ad un contest in Gurushots dove sono Master. Quindi ho scattato questa foto a dei tagete e con l'ausilio di Alivecolors ed il plugin integrato Neon ho applicato un effetto di elettrificazione. Il risultato è piaciuto molto e molti che non conoscono l'effetto mi chiedono come ho fatto ad applicarlo.

Antonio Esposito



Ryan Anthony Akvis has come a long way over the years, I am mainly a semi pro music producer, but these days taking control of all aspects of production is essential today which includes editing photos for my website, this saves me lots of time and money. Over the years my favourite Akvis plugins have been ArtWork, Sketch and HDR Factory and now we have AliveColors which has shaken up the industry. Up till now Adobe photoshop has been king but recently others have risen such as Affinity Photo to challenge the crown, so where does AliveColors fit in? Well it fits in right in the centre, the other products mentioned take a considerable time and investment to master while AliveColors can give you professional results at a few clicks of a button.

Do not underestimate AliveColors for it's simplicity, you like to dive under the hood for more precise edits then go ahead, you have a strict time schedule to get work done and look professional then AliveColors also has you covered with a few simple clicks. I am really excited to see how AliveColors will evolve in the future, there is so much potential, however it would be nice if Akvis included some more of the external plugins from their catalogue for the Pro version, this is a small nag because I love all their plugins, I have no problem giving AliveColors a 4/5.

Ryan Anthony (Phat Monkey)



AliveColors has everything that I need, a beautiful programme. I have tested most of the art progs and they are all superb but Alive Colours Pro is prime.
Rob Fisher