Perspective Crop

The Perspective Crop tool combines two operations into one – correcting perspective and cropping. The tool can be used to fix perspective distortions, which can occur when taking pictures of wide or tall objects with a camera at an angle to the subject.

Original Image Perspective Crop
Perspective Crop
(mouse over the image to see the original image)


Activating the tool creates a crop frame that encloses the entire image. Select an area you want to keep by dragging the cursor while holding left mouse button.

If there is an active selection on the image, then the crop frame will cover the selection area.

Initial Crop Area Initial Crop Area

Drag the corner markers to change the perspective of the contour. When moving the markers, it is necessary to ensure that the sides of the frame become parallel to the sides of the object being corrected.

Modified Crop Area Modified Crop Area


Tool settings are displayed in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window.

In the Trim section, specify the method for creating the crop area:

External Area. The check-box helps to facilitate visualization of the crop frame. If the check-box is enabled, the outer parts are highlighted in a selected color.

Check-box is disabled External Area check-box is disabled

Check-box is enabled External Area check-box is enabled

Show Grid. When the checkbox is active, a grid is displayed above the crop area, which helps when adjusting the crop frame.


To complete the perspective cropping, click OK or press the Enter key. After that, the crop area will convert to a rectangular shape, and everything outside the frame will be deleted.

Cropped Image Cropped Image