The Exposure adjustment allows you to change the amount of light in the image, making the overall picture brighter or darker.
Select Image -> Adjustment -> Exposure... to display the adjustment parameters in the Settings Panel.
You can also use a Exposure adjustment layer (Layers -> New -> Adjustment Layer -> Exposure...) which will affect all the underlying layers without changing their content.

Exposure (-20..20). The parameter is designed to correct light areas with less impact on dark areas.
Offset (-0.5..0.5). The parameter allows you to darken shadows and midtones with minimal impact on the highlights in the image.
Gamma (9.99-0.01). The parameter adjusts the gamma of the image.
Using eyedroppers, you can set parameter values:
- changes the exposure by shifting the color of the selected pixel towards white;
- sets the offset, moving the pixel towards black;
- defines the exposure by assigning a middle gray color to the selected pixel.
Fixed Preview Area. If the check-box is enabled, all changes will be displayed in a small area indicated by the dotted line. If the check-box is disabled, the changes will be applied to the area visible in the Image Window.
Click Default to restore the default values.
Click OK to apply all changes and close the dialog box.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying any changes.