AliveColors: News and Updates

March 11, 2025 - build 9.9.4509
AliveColors 9.9: Artistic Effects, Lens Correction, Many Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added the Lens Correction filter.
  2. Added the Pencil Sketch effect.
  3. Added the Torn Edges effect.
  4. Added the Wave effect into the Distortion group.
  5. Added the new Artistic Effects group that includes Comics, Halftone Pattern, Linocut, Pen & Ink, Photocopy, Stencil, as well as the new Pencil Sketch and Torn Edges effects.
  6. Added the Magnetic Lasso tool.
  7. Added new Text options (tracking, leading, spaces before and after paragraph).
  8. Improved layer effects.
  9. Improved the Refine Edges feature.
  10. Improved the selection modification commands.
  11. Added the shortcut to change the brush size: hold down Alt + right click + drag.
  12. Added minor interface improvements.
  13. Improved stability and fixed bugs:
    - an error of displaying the quick preview area in the Levels and Curves adjustments;
    - an error when working with text in the PSD format.

Learn more about the update.

Download AliveColors 9.9 for Windows, Mac, Linux.


December 12, 2024 - build 9.8.4363
AliveColors 9.8: Exposure, Dark Strokes, Refine Edges, Support for TGA, and Other Changes

List of Changes:

  1. Added the Exposure adjustment.
  2. Added the Dark Strokes effect (in the Brush Strokes group).
  3. Improved the Refine Edge selection feature.
  4. Improved performance of selection modification commands.
  5. Added Similar command to the Select menu.
  6. Improved the Add, Subtract, Intersect modes in the selection tools.
  7. Added support for the TGA format.
  8. Added calculation by a given working size for the built-in Points plugin (Processing Size Limit in the Preferences).
  9. Added minor interface improvements.
  10. Improved stability and fixed bugs:
    - an error with fonts in the PSD format on Mac and Linux systems;
    - an error in the Page Curl effect on layers with transparency;
    - errors in the Match Color adjustment;
    - a calculation error when changing the visible area in the Replace Color adjustment;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when running the Refine Edges feature on a non-raster layer;
    - errors of displaying the mask when using the Refine Edges feature;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when adding an adjustment layer with the active Gradient Fill tool and a layer mask;
    - an error when overlaying a gradient after resizing the document;
    - an error of scaling layer group mask when changing document size;
    - an error of calculating preview in the built-in Points plugin.

Learn more about the update.


October 24, 2024 - build 9.7.4287
AliveColors 9.7: Replace Color, Texture Fill, Improvements in Selections, Loading ABR Brushes, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Improved neural networks for the AI-based Object Selection tool and Select Subject command.
  2. Reworked the Refine Edges feature. Now it allows you to more accurately define the edges of selections.
  3. Added the Replace Color adjustment.
  4. Added the Texture Fill effect.
  5. Added support for Photoshop brushes (loading ABR files).
  6. Added the Save Layers to Files feature (in the File menu).
  7. Added commands to modify selections (in the Select menu).
  8. Added the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S hotkey for Save for Web.
  9. Redesigned tool icons.
  10. Added the Large Toolbar Icons option to the Preferences.
  11. Added minor interface improvements.
  12. Added the built-in Help that comes with the program (Windows, Mac).
  13. Improved stability and fixed bugs.

Learn more about the update.


August 14, 2024 - build 9.6.4168
AliveColors 9.6: Color Management, Save for Web, Fill with Pattern, and Other Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Improved work with Color Profiles. Color management settings are available in the Preferences.
  2. Added the Photocopy effect.
  3. Added the Fill with Pattern option to the Paint Bucket tool.
  4. Added the Edit -> Fill command for filling a layer or a selection with Color/Pattern/History.
  5. Added the Save for Web feature (in the File menu).
  6. Added the Load Files into Layers command (in the File -> Automate menu).
  7. Enhanced the Zoom tool.
  8. Improved the Fit Text to Path tool.
  9. For the Crop tool, a forced call to the calculation has been added if the crop frame coincides with the file edges.
  10. Reworked the Hard Mix blend mode.
  11. Added a prohibition on deleting a layer using the Delete key if there is an active selection - now the contents of the selection are deleted.
  12. Reworked the New Image dialog.
  13. Added minor improvements to the LUT Editor.
  14. Added a Hint line at the bottom status bar of the program (on/off in the Preferences).
  15. Added anti-aliasing (for images and decorations) for image scale from 100% to 200%.
  16. Added minor interface improvements.
  17. Improved stability and fixed bugs:
    - an operation error in the Glowing Edges effect;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when using the Artistic Brushes while holding down Shift;
    - an error in the Smoothing parameter in the AI-based Image Enlargement filter;
    - an error of preserving proportions when entering a height value in the Image Size filter;
    - an error changing colors in Gradient Fill when entering values ​​from the keyboard;
    - an error loading gradient points from PSD;
    - incorrect loading of some parameters of the layer effects from PSD;
    - an error writing colors to the AKVIS format if profiles mismatch;
    - an accidental deletion of the path outline in Fit Text to Path if the vector shape layer was deleted.

Learn more about the update.


May 28, 2024 - build 9.3.3951
AliveColors 9.3: Lookup Editor, New Crop Options

List of Changes:

  1. Added the LUT Editor for creating or editing color tables (CLUTs).
  2. Improved the Crop tool. Added the W x H x Resolution feature and the view modes for grid while cropping.
  3. Improved the Perspective Crop tool. Added the Width, Height, and Resolution parameters.
  4. Improved the Curves algorithm.
  5. Improved Blend by Brightness.
  6. Updated default settings for layer effects.
  7. Added more correct reading of colors from PSD for layer effects with gradient.
  8. Accelerated switching between images when Quick Selection tool is active.
  9. Added saving to PDF.
  10. Improved work with color profiles. Now, two commands are available in the Image menu: Assign Profile and Convert to Profile.
  11. Added minor interface improvements.
  12. Enhanced stability and fixed bugs:

    - an error in the operation of the sliders in the Color panel;
    - residual glitches after turning off display of guidelines;
    - an error when moving guidelines;
    - an error of ungrouping layers command;
    - frame display in the Move tool.

Learn more about the update.


April 2, 2024 - build 9.2.3906
AliveColors 9.2: Improvements & Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Added the Desaturate adjustment.
  2. Enhanced the Crop and Perspective Crop tools.
  3. Added the N+"mouse wheel" hot-key for changing brush size for the retouching tools: Spot Remover, Red Eye Remover, and Teeth Whitening.
  4. Added loading of layer effects from PSD.
  5. Added the software installation using Flatpak on Linux.
  6. Added the Show Customer Name in Application Title option to the program Preferences.
  7. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:
    - an error in determining the number of actual layers, which caused an unnecessary message;
    - an error of exceeding the limits of the histogram array for some images in the Match Color adjustment;
    - an error with network printers in Linux.

Learn more about the update.


February 8, 2024 - build 9.1.3848
AliveColors 9.1: New Adjustments And Many Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added the Match Color adjustment.
  2. Added the Equalize adjustment.
  3. Added free orientation and advanced control of Guidelines.
  4. Enhanced the Curves and Color Lookup (3D LUT) adjustments.
  5. Added the mask inversion command.
  6. Added minor interface improvements.
  7. Added many improvements and fixes to loading of RAW files.
  8. Added the version number and license information to the program window title.
  9. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:

    - font size ranges for the Text and Fit Text to Path tools;
    - a color profile error in the Smudge tool;
    - an error in the Spot Spacing parameter in the advanced brush settings;
    - loading of text layers from PSD files (implemented additional compatibility terms);
    - changing dpi of the text layer (Text and Fit Text to Path) when the image resolution changes;
    - recalculation of the position of the Fit Text to Path layer when scaling the image;
    - calculation of the maximum size when changing dpi when creating a new document;
    - an error in switching models without changing size in the Image Enlargement neural filter;
    - enable/disable layer visibility from actions.

Learn more about the update.


November 3, 2023 - build 9.0.3708
AliveColors 9.0: New Image Combination Effects, Extreme Artifact Removal Mode, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Added the brand new Combine Images group to the Effects menu with two effects: Chameleon and Emersion.
  2. Added the new Extreme mode to the JPEG Artifact Remover filter in the AI menu.
  3. Added the possibility to import multiple LUTs at once in the Color Lookup (3D LUT) adjustment.
  4. Improved text movement when using the Fit Text to Path tool.
  5. Added more efficient cache of neural network models and thus accelerated re-calling of the AI filters.
  6. Optimized the operation of the AI filters.
  7. Accelerated copying between data stores and buffers in memory.
  8. Improved searching of third-party plugins on Windows (Nik Collection and others): following symlinks to .8bf during the plugin scan.
  9. Improved loading of RAW images and added support for RAW formats of new digital cameras.
  10. Added the ability to block the program from connecting to the Internet (in the Preferences: Prohibit Internet Access).
  11. Changed the scale for adjusting the brush size in the tool options panel: now it's non-linear (as in the pop-up dialog box).
  12. Implemented some interface improvements.
  13. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:

    - a problem with selection areas when using the Move tool;
    - an error with auto-selection of layers in the Move tool when using the Fit Text to Path tool;
    - an error when adjusting the Curves with the mouse;
    - a preview area calculation in the Effects and AI filters;
    - an error in the Noise Buster built-in plugin when switching between the full calculation and preview mode;
    - reading of the WEBP format;
    - an error with saving user actions and presets on Mac.

Learn more about the update.


August 10, 2023 - build 8.5.3597
AliveColors 8.5.3597.24797: Bugfix Update

Fixed bugs:

  1. Fixed memory leak when using Image Enlargement in the batch processing mode;
  2. Fixed incorrect work of the Gradient Map: Solid adjustment.


August 3, 2023 - build 8.5.3591
AliveColors 8.5: Neural Networks-Based Image Enlargement, Color Balance & Some Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added the new Image Enlargement feature in the AI menu.
  2. Added the new Color Balance adjustment (and the adjustment layer).
  3. Improved the AI-based selection features: Object Selection and Select Subject.
  4. Updated the NatureArt built-in plugin (the Autorun Mode moved to the effect parameters).
  5. Changed the text reflection algorithm for the Fit Text to Path tool.
  6. Changed the histogram generation algorithm.
  7. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:

    - repositioning of a mask when undoing layer move;
    - an error with transparency when transforming a selected area on Windows;
    - a crash when creating a freehand shape (when forming only the starting point);
    - a scaling error for the Fit Text to Path tool when changing the image dpi;
    - an error when applying an adjustment layer within a group;
    - a bug with the Strength parameter in the Saturation tool;
    - a display of a warning message about insufficient video memory at startup;
    - ensured deleting temporary files after saving to jpeg on macOS and Linux.

Learn more about the update.


June 27, 2023 - build 8.0.3543
AliveColors 8.0: Object Selection with AI, Improvements in Clone Stamp & Chameleon Brush, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Added new AI-based selection features: the Object Selection tool and the Select Subject command.
  2. Improved the Clone Stamp and Chameleon Brush with the new features: the Sample menu and the Clone Source settings.
  3. Grouped together the cloning tools (Clone Stamp and Chameleon Brush) in the Toolbar.
  4. Accelerated the Stencil effect thanks to multithreaded processing.
  5. Added the Crop by Selection command.
  6. Added the Basic section into the File Info panel.
  7. Improved reading of the EXIF data.
  8. Moved the Tuning Brush from the Standard Brushes to the Retouching Tools in the Toolbar.
  9. Added the J hotkey for the Retouching Tools.
  10. Changed the hotkey to S for the Chameleon Brush.
  11. Implemented minor interface improvements.
  12. Added the "star" icon in the menu for the unavailable effects in the Free version.
  13. Fixed the bugs:

    - a document update when enabling/disabling a mask in the Layers panel;
    - changing a font size on an empty text layer;
    - working of the Eyedropper tool;
    - an error of saving user hotkeys;
    - a cursor rendering error when switching tools with the hotkeys;
    - an image scaling error with the active selection;
    - and other minor fixes.

Learn more about the update.


May 2, 2023 - build 7.0.3435
AliveColors 7.0: New Adjustments, Stencil Effect, Retouching Tools, and Other Changes

List of Changes:

  1. Added Selective Color and Color Lookup (3D LUT) adjustments.
  2. Added the new Stencil effect.
  3. Added Retouching Tools: Spot Remover, Red Eye Remover, and Teeth Whitening.
  4. Added new workspace presets.
  5. Added import and export of workspaces.
  6. Improved Felt-tip Marker (in Artistic Brushes): enhanced processing and added the Color Mixing check-box.
  7. Increased accuracy of calculation of the Gradient Map adjustment.
  8. Improved the Linocut effect: accelerated processing and added a preview box.
  9. Added the Run button into the Comics, Linocut, and Pen & Ink effects.
  10. Improved performance of the Noise Buster built-in plugin.
  11. Added parameters synchronization in the Tool Options panel, the pop-up menu, and the floating dialog.
  12. Added minor interface improvements.
  13. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:
    - a phantom parameters window appearance of the FX Brushes;
    - a brush shape visibility when selecting a source with the Clone Stamp;
    - an error of restoring parameters in the Artistic Brushes;
    - an error with creating a document from the Clipboard;
    - an error with noise in the Neon built-in plugin;
    - a presets path in the Enhancer built-in plugin;
    - a position of the file saving options dialog;
    - an error of changing the color of a gradient point in the gradient editor;
    - a presets search order on Mac computers;
    - a possible crash in the Deformation Tools when exiting during a transaction;
    - a possible crash if the calculating data is less than 64x64 px;
    - drawing of histograms for the Levels and Curves adjustments;
    - possible problems with color of the ruler;
    - a rare error with the Transform command;
    - a bug with color distortion in AI -> Motion Deblur.

Learn more about the update.


December 27, 2022
Update for Linux

The update of AliveColors for Linux is available!

We have added support for AI modules (neural filters).

Install AliveColors on Linux.


December 15, 2022 - build 6.0.3285
AliveColors 6.0: New Effects & Adjustments, Deformation Tools, Clipping Mask, Linux Version, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Added support for Linux operating system.
  2. Added Deformation Tools: Forward Warp, Push, Bloat, Pucker, Twirl, and Reconstruct.
  3. Added the ability to create clipping masks.
  4. Added Photo Filter and Gradient Map adjustments.
  5. Added Glowing Edges effect.
  6. Updated the built-in MakeUp and SmartMask plugins.
  7. Improved support for WebP format.
  8. Changed loading files by dragging them into the program window. If you drag a file to a tab with an opened image, it will be added there as a new layer. When dragging it to any other place in the program workspace, it will open in a new tab as a separate document.
  9. Added commands for copying, pasting, deleting layer effects.
  10. Added check for color space support to adjustment layers.
  11. Changed operation of the sliders in adjustments and filters. Now the calculation starts when there is a pause while dragging or when the mouse button is released.
  12. Added check for blocking movement of text layers.
  13. Changed the check for clicking the characters of the text layer.
  14. Changed selection of layers with a mouse for the shape and text tools, as well as for the Move tool.
  15. Added some interface improvements.
  16. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:
    - an error of saving/restoring the state of a collapsed or expanded layer group in PSD format;
    - an error that allowed using the Layers, Channels, Selections panels when using filters or the Chameleon Brush tool;
    - an error of reading the Strength parameter of the Lighten tool;
    - a synchronization error of the Size parameter when switching between the FX Brushes;
    - an error of the Displace effect when reapplying the filter (Ctrl+F);
    - an error of writing external plugins in Actions;
    - an error of reading text layers from AKVIS format;
    - an error of rendering the information panel of the cursor for the Magic Wand tool;
    - an error of creating a new document from the clipboard with a selection (wrong raster position);
    - and other minor bugs.

Learn more about the update.


September 22, 2022 - build 5.9.3118
New Pen & Ink Effect. WebP Format Support. Security Improvements!

List of Changes:

  1. Added new Pen & Ink effect.
  2. Improved the Polar Coordinates effect.
  3. Added new Blend Modes: Linear Burn, Darker Color, Lighter Color.
  4. Added support for the WebP format.
  5. Improved security and reliability of the software.
  6. Increased the program stability and fixed bugs:
    - errors in the Glitch Art effect;
    - errors in the AirBrush built-in plugin;
    and other minor bugs.

Learn more about the update.


July 19, 2022 - build 5.5.3034
Apple M1 Support. New Effects. Batch Conversion. Many Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added support for Apple M1 processors.
  2. Added new effects: Comics and Linocut.
  3. Added Batch Conversion of files from one format to another.
  4. Added a cursor information panel when selecting, transforming, moving, cropping.
  5. Optimized font handling when loading/writing SVG and PSD.
  6. Increased the speed of the Quick Selection tool.
  7. Improved calculations for RAW Processing.
  8. Modified work with the Presets in the RAW Processing mode.
  9. Added alignment for the active layer to the Move tool.
  10. Added the Bezier Flattening Threshold parameter to the Preferences -> General.
  11. Added the Processing Size Limit parameter to the Preferences -> Filters & Plugins.
  12. Added the Angle parameter to the Gradient Fill tool.
  13. Added alignment modes for the Angle control in UI: when holding down Shift - by 5°, Ctrl - by 10°.
  14. Changed the default Blend Mode for layer groups: from Pass Through to Normal.
  15. Implemented some UI improvements.
  16. Discontinued support for Mac OS X 10.10-10.11.
  17. Increased stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - PSD loading errors;
    - an error of recalculation of dynamic cursors when scaling, scrolling, resizing the Image Window;
    - an error of recalculation of the gradient fill guide when scaling, scrolling, resizing the Image Window;
    - an error of saving filter presets;
    - an error of direct copying of selection as a new document;
    - an error when working with an image in the Grayscale color space in the Accented Edges effect.
    - an error of rendering the preview area in the Tone Correction and Prepress effects.

Learn more about the update.


June 6, 2022
Acquisition and Licensing

We are removing the subscription product. Now only Home and Business Lifetime licenses are available (the free version is accessible as well). Active subscriptions will be valid until their period expires.

When switching from a subscription to a lifetime license, we offer a 30% discount. Please contact at


April 27, 2022 - build 5.0.2941
AliveColors 5.0: Changes in Licenses. More Features! Many Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Important changes in licenses! The Free version now includes much more features. The Home license offers full functionality. Learn more.
  2. Added new Vibrance adjustment.
  3. Updated the NatureArt built-in plugin.
  4. Added a duplication of layers/objects by the Move tool.
  5. Added activation of layers with the Move, Text, Fit Text to Path, and Edit Shape tools when recording actions. Added a delete entry when the Move tool is active.
  6. Added alignment of guidelines to pixel edges.
  7. Added scrolling of the Tool Options panel in the small program window.
  8. Added highlighting of the parameter in focus.
  9. Improved the user interface.
  10. Added a splash screen that appears when starting the program.
  11. Increased stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - an error of the AirBrush, Enhancer, Neon, and Points built-in plug-ins when processing an image after cropping in the Hide External Area mode;
    - an error that caused the Points built-in plugin to crash when launched by Ctrl+F;
    - a preview calculation error in Enhancer -> Tone Correction/Prepress Processing when re-selecting the same preset;
    - an error when moving the layer mask with the Move tool;
    - error saving an image resolution (dpi) in the AKVIS format;
    - an error in image rendering after a transformation that does not affect the upper left corner;
    - a loading issue of non-latin texts from PSD files.

Learn more about the update.


February 22, 2022 - build 4.5.2868
AliveColors 4.5: New AI Filter, New Effects, Modified Built-in Plugins

List of Changes:

  1. Added the new AI-based Noise Removal filter.
  2. Added new effects: Accented Edges (in Brush Strokes) and Halftone Pattern.
  3. Changed the operating principle of the Enhancer, Neon, Noise Buster, and Points built-in plugins. Now they are flawlessly integrated into the image editor and are launched in the editor's interface without calling a separate window.
  4. The Enhancer built-in plugin has been divided into three independent effects: Improve Detail, Tone Correction, and Prepress Processing, available as separate lines in the menu.
  5. Improved a DPI change of the text layer when resizing an image.
  6. Optimized work with non-monotonic alpha channel.
  7. Changed the operation of the parameters' slider in the filters. Now the program responds only at the end of the slider movement.
  8. Improved the program interface.
  9. Increased stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - an error getting monitor profile in multi-monitor configuration;
    - an error of launching several built-in plugins (AirBrush, LightShop, Enhancer) from an action;
    - an error when working with one channel for some effects (Two Keys, Median) and adjustments (Brightness/Contrast, Posterize, and Threshold);
    - an error when using the Median effect with non RGB color space;
    - an error when working with non-monotone alpha channel for the Splatter and Spray effects;
    - an image transformation error when cropping;
    - an error of a preview area location in filters after image cropping;
    - an error of visibility of the tool cursor when the color selection dialog is closed implicitly.

Learn more about the update.


September 30, 2021 - build 4.0.2711
AliveColors 4.0: Now AI-Powered! Neural Filters, Tuning Brush, And Other Changes

List of Changes:

  1. Added the new AI group to the main menu, with the JPEG Artifact Remover and Motion Deblur neural filters.
  2. Added the new Tuning Brush for color and tonal corrections.
  3. Added file saving options in the Batch Processing dialog box.
  4. Accelerated loading of the program due to the optimization of the launch time.
  5. Made numerous improvements in UI design and implementation.
  6. Changed algorithm for adding/subtracting/intersecting when transferring data between alpha channel/mask/selection.
  7. Added copying alpha from dynamic layers (text/text on the path/shape) to the selection.
  8. Added copying from the mask/alpha channel into the hidden layer (with the visibility off).
  9. Changed the add/subtract/intersect algorithm for Magic Wand, Quick Selection, and other Selection Tools.
  10. Implemented smoother selection edges for the Selection Tools.
  11. Enabled the Anti-Aliasing mode by default for Selection Tools.
  12. Made minor improvements in the SVG format.
  13. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - emerging lines in the Effect Gallery;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when changing the UI style;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when transferring data from alpha-channel (not 8 bit) to a mask/selection;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when copying from channel to a mask/alpha channel;
    - an error when canceling the AirBrush filter processing;
    - an error when launching Refine Edge on a selection with an active non-raster layer;
    - an error that sometimes caused the program to crash when changing the extension (from akvis to another) in the file name field of the Save As dialog.

Learn more about the update.


June 10, 2021 - build 3.0.2633
New Effects, New Blend Modes, Interface Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added new effects: Glitch Art and Brush Strokes effects (Splatter and Spray).
  2. Added new Blend Modes: Hue, Saturation, Color, and Luminosity.
  3. Improved the program interface.
  4. Changed the appearance of the Notifications panel.
  5. Expanded list of compatible RAW formats.
  6. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - an error of inactive transformation commands when selecting some tools;
    - an error saving the last fill colors of vector shapes;
    - an error saving the position of the panels in the multi-monitor PC configuration;
    - an error loading PSD files.

Learn more about the update.


March 18, 2021 - build 3.0.2559
AliveColors 3.0: New Interface, New Features, Lots of Improvements!

List of Changes:

  1. Redesigned the program interface. In the Preferences, you can choose between two modern styles: Light or Dark.
  2. Significantly improved work with Actions. Added the ability to record manipulations with Layers, Selections, Channels, History, etc.
  3. Added 10 new actions to the Default group.
  4. Reworked the color selection box in the Toolbar, as well as in the Color and Color Wheel panels.
  5. Added Blend Modes: Linear Light, Vivid Light, Pin Light, and Hard Mix.
  6. Updated all the Built-in Plugins.
  7. Expanded list of compatible RAW formats.
  8. Added hotkeys for language keyboard layouts in Windows (for the languages available in the image editor).
  9. Improved the Tool Options panel. Removed automatic panel closing when switching between tools or documents.
  10. Added display of error messages in Batch Processing.
  11. Updated the Installation Wizard for Windows.
  12. Increased the program's stability and fixed bugs:

    - an error that caused the program to crash when closing the Batch Processing tab or all open documents, or exiting the image editor during batch processing;
    - an error in displaying an empty document (with an empty group of layers);
    - an error that caused the program to crash when transferring a mask from a layer to an empty group of layers and selecting it;
    - an error that caused the program to crash when starting the High Pass effect on one channel;
    - an error in the blend modes for the Clone Stamp tool.

Learn more about the update.


October 29, 2020 - build 2.1.2418
Improved High Pass Effect, Update of MakeUp Built-in Plugin, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Added the Grayscale option to the High Pass effect.
  2. Enhanced the Effects Gallery.
  3. Updated the MakeUp built-in plugin.
  4. Extended the list of the supported RAW formats.
  5. Changed the range of the shift parameters for the Fit Text to Path tool.
  6. Improved the publishing module.
  7. Added a warning about data loss when saving a document (File -> Save).
  8. Modified the algorithm for adding an alpha channel to a selection.
  9. Increased the program's stability and fixed bugs:

    - an image scaling error after using built-in plugins;
    - an error that caused the program to freeze when a modal window appeared above the color selection dialog;
    - an error with filling by the alpha channel;
    - a translation error in the Displace effect;
    - an error of creating a new selection from an existing locked selection.

Learn more about the update.


September 22, 2020 - build 2.1.2386
Effects Gallery, High Pass Filter, New FX Brushes

List of Changes:

  1. Added striking Effects Gallery with preview images.
  2. Added the High Pass effect for image enhancement.
  3. Added new FX Brushes: FX Sparkle Brush and Energy Brush.
  4. Added Fill Shape button to the Shape Tools settings.
  5. Added different paths for saving and loading images.
  6. Added File Type for New Single-Layer Images option to the Preferences (General tab).
  7. Extended the list of the supported RAW files.
  8. Increased the program's stability and fixed bugs:

    - fixed the crash when duplicating multiple layers using the Duplicate command or with the Shift+Alt hotkeys;
    - fixed a duplicate error for groups of layers.

Learn more about the update.


August 6, 2020 - build 2.0.2290
New Smoke Brush and Improved Fit Text to Path Tool

List of Changes:

  1. Added the new Smoke Brush to the FX Brushes collection.
  2. Added new color options to the Fit Text to Path tool to fill and outline text (Fill Shape & Stroke).
  3. Added text vectorization to the Fit Text to Path layer.
  4. Added a list of available shape objects by the right mouse click on the Choose Path button for the Fit Text to Path tool.
  5. Updated the MakeUp built-in plugin.
  6. Improved simultaneous rendering of a large number of small fragments.
  7. Increased the program's stability and fixed bugs:

    - the italic font display problem for the Fit Text to Path tool;
    - the erroneous message appearing on any key except arrows for the Move tool.

Learn more about the update.


June 10, 2020 - build 2.0.2280
AliveColors 2.0 Major Update: New Tools for Creative Inspiration!

List of Changes:

  1. Added new FX Brushes: Fluffy, Hair, Bristle, Thread, and Veil Brushes.
  2. Added the Fit Text to Path tool.
  3. Updated the Neon built-in plugin.
  4. Added support for the new RAW files.
  5. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs.

Learn more about the update.


March 30, 2020 - build 1.7.2243
New Effects & Adjustments Presets, Easter Brush Shapes & Textures

List of Changes:

  1. Added ready-to-apply presets for Adjustments, Effects, Image & Canvas Size.
  2. Added import/export option of user presets.
  3. Added new Easter theme brush shapes and textures.
  4. Extended the list of compatible RAW formats.
  5. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - error of DPI loading from JPG files;
    - image format error which caused incorrect display of Mask, Alpha-channel, etc.

Learn more about the update.


February 4, 2020 - build 1.7.2216
Improved Bokeh Effects. Heart-Shaped Brushes for Valentine's Day

List of Changes:

  1. Improved the blur filters - Lens Blur, Iris Blur, and Tilt-Shift! They offer new settings for adjusting the glow of bokeh.
  2. Added new shapes and textures to the Standard Brushes. The new brush variants are inspired by Saint Valentine's Day.
  3. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - the alignment error for vector shapes created from a text layer (Vectorize Text Layer command);
    - the processing error in the AirBrush built-in plugin.

Learn more about the update.


December 23, 2019 - build 1.7.2204.18866
Improved History Brush. Christmas Brush Shapes & Textures. Plugins Updated. Spanish UI

List of Changes:

  1. Improved the History Brush tool! You can now select a state of history to which the brush will restore an image.
  2. Added new interface language: AliveColors is in Spanish now! Change the interface language in the Preferences.
  3. Added new brush shapes and textures with festive Christmas designs to the Standard Brushes.
  4. Updated three built-in plugins: Enhancer, HDRFactory, and Noise Buster.
  5. Optimized performance when working with multiple files simultaneously.
  6. Added support for the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer in PSD files.
  7. Added display of the number of unprocessed files to the title of the Batch Processing tab.
  8. Added a force check for external plugins in the Plugins folder.
  9. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:

    - an error of recording external plugins (8bf) in Actions;
    - errors that caused the program to crash during batch processing;
    - an error when calling the filter from the History panel;
    - an error when entering the values of color components in the color selection dialog;
    - other minor errors.

Learn more about the update.


October 17, 2019 - build 1.6.2141.18520
Compatibility with macOS Catalina! AirBrush and Points Updated. Halloween Brush Shapes

List of Changes:

  1. Added compatibility with macOS Catalina (10.15).
  2. The Standard Brushes provide new Halloween shapes.
  3. The built-in AirBrush and Points plugins have been updated.
  4. Improved stability of the program and fixed minor bugs.

Learn more about this update.


September 26, 2019 - build 1.6.2137.18514
Enhancer and Neon Updated. Improved Batch Processing. New Shapes, Textures, and Brush Presets

List of Changes:

  1. The Standard Brushes provide new shapes, textures and presets.
  2. The built-in Enhancer and Neon plugins have been updated.
  3. Added the possibility to rename files when Batch Processing.
  4. The Artistic Cloning mode control buttons in the Chameleon Brush tool have been added to the Tool Options panel.
  5. Added support for the new RAW files.
  6. Improved stability of the program and fixed some bugs:
    - error when displaying values in the Web Colors field in the color selection dialog;
    - error when creating a new document with the Batch Processing tab open;
    - the crop error when applying the mirror scaling of the frame;
    - the processing error when loading multiple files at once (using drag & drop);
    - error "File not found" when launching plugins.

Learn more about this update.


July 16, 2019 - build 1.6.2121.18383
Text Vectorization, New Brush Presets, Shapes, and Textures, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. It is now possible to convert text layers into shape layers (the Vectorize Text Layer command in the context menu of the text layer).
  2. Added new presets, shapes and textures to the Standard Brushes.
  3. The built-in AirBrush plugin has been updated.
  4. Improved the SVG format support.
  5. Added support for the new RAW file: Panasonic DC-G90.
  6. Added the new key combination to change the size of brushes: N + Mouse Wheel.
  7. Now when you double-click on the thumbnail of a text layer, the editable text is highlighted.
  8. Accelerated the algorithm for selecting vector shapes using the mouse cursor.
  9. Improved stability of the program and fixed some bugs:
    - error that occurred when deformation of the vector shape segment;
    - positioning error that occurred when inserting vector shapes from the clipboard;
    - fixed possible crash of the program when you return to the created shape layer after pasting from the clipboard;
    - error when generating a shape layer (position of vector shapes within the document);
    - error that caused the loss of dpi fonts when re-editing the text layer.

Learn more about this update.


June 6, 2019 - build 1.6.2087.18301
Improved SVG Support, New Shapes and Textures, etc.

List of Changes:

  1. Improved SVG format support.
  2. Added new shapes and textures to the Standard Brushes.
  3. The Text tool allows emulating the bold/italic font styles or the style of the previous font, if these styles are not available for the selected font.
  4. The state of layer groups is now kept when saving using the .akvis file format.
  5. The color now changes immediately when entering a value in the Web Colors field in the Select Color dialog (not by pressing the Enter/Tab keys or the ОК button).
  6. The standard Angle parameter in the Motion Blur effect (Effects -> Blur -> Motion Blur...) has been replaced with a circular one which is more user-friendly.
  7. The built-in MakeUp plugin has been updated.
  8. Improved stability of the program and fixed some bugs:
    - fixed errors that occurred when editing selection channels using Standard Brushes;
    - minor bug fixes.

Learn more about this update.


April 29, 2019 - build 1.6.2069.18186
SVG Support, New Brush Presets, Shapes, and Textures

List of Changes:

  1. Added support for SVG file format.
  2. Added new brush presets, shapes, and textures.
  3. Added support for RAW formats of new cameras.
  4. The built-in SmartMask plugin has been updated.
  5. Improved the auto selection mode in the Move tool.
  6. Improved the algorithm for pasting text from the clipboard.
  7. Reworked the way workspaces are saved.
  8. The alignment and margin options in the Text tool are now applied to the paragraph (not to the entire document).
  9. Improved stability of the program and fixed bugs:
    - error that occurred when using the Blur tool on the layer with transparency;
    - error that occurred when processing the layer boundaries using the Motion Blur filter;
    - error that occurred when visualizing the layer group elements with the Pass Through blend mode applied;
    - error that occurred when getting data from large images using the Eyedropper tool;
    - error that occurred when double-clicking the image when the dialog box is open;
    - error that occurred when loading NEF files;
    - error that occurred when canceling changes in the text layer;
    - error that occurred when changing the Superscript and Subscript parameters in the Text tool;
    - error that occurred when scaling the toolbar panel;
    - error that occurred when when copying data between channels;
    - fixed non-working hotkeys Shift+[ and Shift+] (brush hardness adjusting).

Learn more about this update.


April 4, 2019 - build 1.6.2052.18066
Improved Stability and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Improved the processing of perspective transformations.
  2. Improved the displaying of transformation parameters in the Settings Panel.
  3. Improved the stability of the program and fixed some bugs.


March 7, 2019 - build 1.5.2042.17997
Perspective Correction, Updated MakeUp Plugin

List of Changes:

  1. Added the new Perspective Crop tool (available for Home and Pro licenses only).
  2. Added the new transform option - Perspective.
  3. The built-in MakeUp plugin has been updated.
  4. Added new textures for the Texture Brush.
  5. Added new workspace layouts for Windows version: Express, Expert, Color, Automation (Workspace -> Customize Workspace).
  6. Added the Show Grid option for the Crop tool.
  7. Reworked and improved the display system.
  8. Improved the work of the Publishing Module.
  9. Added support for new RAW files.
  10. Improved the stability of the program and fixed some bugs.
  11. Licensing changes.

Learn more about this update.


February 7, 2019 - build 1.5.2022.17881
Fixed Bug

Fixed the problem with translations not being applied to some buttons and context menus.


February 6, 2019 - build 1.5.2022.17875
New Brush Shapes and Textures, Publishing Module, Improved Stability

List of Changes:

  1. Added new shapes and textures to the Standard Brushes.
  2. The Publishing option has been extracted to a separate module.
  3. Enhanced the Learn Panel.
  4. Improved the program's stability and fixed some bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when trying to select an alignment option for the Text tool;
    - fixed possible crash of the program when renaming and deleting groups in the Actions panel.


December 28, 2018 - build 1.4.1987.17768
New Brush Presets and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. The standard brushes offer new presets, shapes, and textures.
  2. Changed the extensions of brush libraries (the files created when exporting presets, shapes, and textures).
  3. The Texture Brush icon has been redesigned.
  4. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when trying to install the updated version without uninstalling the older one;
    - fixed the parameter synchronization error in the Tool Options panel (minimized vs. expanded view);
    - fixed the error that occurred when processing semitransparent areas with the Smudge tool;
    - fixed the error that occurred when resizing panels containing tool or filter parameters;
    - fixed the error that occurred when combining panels in the built-in LightShop plugin;
    - other minor bugs.


December 14, 2018 - build 1.4.1982.17684
Brush Editor, New Texture Brush, Compatibility with macOS 10.14 (Mojave)

List of Changes:

  1. The Standard Brushes have been significantly improved and enhanced. Now it is possible to modify the existing brushes and create custom ones.
  2. Added the new standard brush - Texture Brush. The brush is designed to draw lines of arbitrary shape with soft edges filled with the specified texture.
  3. Added compatibility with Apple's latest operating system - macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
  4. The Eraser tool can now work in two modes: Brush and Pencil.
  5. Built-in plugins have been updated.
  6. Made minor changes to the program interface.
  7. Fixed bugs.


September 19, 2018
SmartMask 10.6, Bug Fixes, and Support for New RAW Files

List of Changes:

  1. The built-in SmartMask plugin has been updated to version 10.6.
  2. Now when reinstalling the editor, custom workspaces are not deleted.
  3. Added support for the new RAW files.
  4. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when executing the menu commands and using the hotkeys when working with the Shape Tools;
    - fixed the image synchronization error in the Before/After windows in the built-in plug-ins;
    - other minor errors.


August 30, 2018 - build 1.3.1874.16889
Licensing Changes and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Built-in Points plugin is now available for Home licenses.
  2. Interface themes in the Preferences are now presented as color plates.
  3. The copied selection is now pasted in the same place as on the original layer.
  4. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when the New Shape tool was active when starting the editor;
    - fixed the errors that occurred when working with the Crop tool;
    - and other minor bugs and interface glitches.


July 19, 2018 - build 1.3.1867.16836
AirBrush 6.0 and Redesigned Crop Tool

List of Changes:

  1. Built-in AirBrush plugin has been updated to version 6.0.
  2. The Crop tool has been redesigned. The parameters of the tool are now located in the Tool Options panel.
  3. For built-in plugins LightShop and AirBrush: added ОК and Cancel buttons (in the form of icons) to the top panel.
  4. Changed the method of receiving notifications when starting the program.
  5. Added new prompts to the Hints panel.
  6. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when working with a newly created transparent raster layer after changing the document/canvas size;
    - fixed the error that occurred when selecting the command Transform -> Skew;
    - incorrect displaying of vector shapes when scaling an image;
    - other minor errors.


June 4, 2018 - build 1.3.1831.16686
Improved Tools, New Recolor Brush, HDRFactory 6.0

List of Changes:

  1. The built-in HDRFactory plugin has been updated to version 6.0.
  2. Artistic layers are not available anymore. Artistic Brushes now can be applied directly on a raster layer.
  3. Added the Recolor Brush to the Color Brush tool group.
  4. The Text tool has been redesigned. Added new parameters to the Tool Options panel.
  5. Improved the full tool options panel called by clicking the tool icon on the Tool Options panel. Now it is possible to move the panel using the title bar.
  6. Added support for RAW formats of new cameras (Sony ILCE-7M3, Canon EOS 2000D, Canon EOS 4000D, Panasonic DC-GX9, Panasonic DC-TZ200, Panasonic DC-GH5S, FUJIFILM X-H1, FUJIFILM X-A5, Olympus E-PL9).
  7. Added scaling of the square control markers in the Transform, Crop, and Move tools when changing the scale of the interface.
  8. Improved the interface of processing commands for tools and filters called from the main menu.
  9. Added tooltips for many program elements.
  10. The list of prompts for the Hints panel has been updated.
  11. Fixed entering of floating numbers according to regional settings.
  12. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when using the buttons Show/Hide Background Image and Show/Hide Exclusion Area in the built-in LightShop plugin;
    - fixed the error that occurred when loading an adjustment layer in .akvis format;
    - fixed the error of data processing using filters with profiles different from standard ones;
    - fixed the error that occurred when applying the Mosaic effect to 16 bits/channel images;
    - minor interface glitches.


April 13, 2018 - build 1.2.1629.16414
Coloriage 11, Modified AirBrush and LightShop Plugins, New Hints Panel

List of Changes:

  1. Coloriage built-in plugin has been updated to version 11.
  2. Changed the operating principle of built-in plugins AirBrush and LightShop. Now they are flawlessly integrated into the image editor and are launched in the editor's interface without calling a separate window.

      Attention! Uninstall the previous version of the program before installing the new one.

  3. Added the new Hints panel, that shows a short description of the panels, tools and parameters when you hover over them with the cursor. You can enable the panel in the Workspace -> Panels menu.
  4. Fixed bugs and interface glitches.


March 27, 2018 - build 1.2.1560.16140
Updated Built-in Plugins, Japanese + Chinese UI, Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Updated built-in plugins: NatureArt, AirBrush, and Points.
  2. Added new interface languages: Japanese and Chinese. Some built-in plug-ins are being in the process of translation to Chinese. Select the desired language in the Preferences (General tab).
  3. Added the Chinese section to the website.
  4. Improved the handling of Move/Selection/New Shape/Edit Shape tools using keyboard arrows.
  5. The method of displaying/restoring the mouse cursor has been improved.
  6. 32 bit images format is now checked before launching the plugins.
  7. The creation of guidelines in the Print dialog has been disabled.
  8. The wait cursor is now shown when launching filters.
  9. Improved the displaying of the Learn Panel when there is no connection to the server.
  10. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the incorrect saving/loading/restoring of tablet settings for some tools;
    - fixed some interface glitches that occurred when adjusting the interface scale, when launching some filters, when applying Actions as well as when processing RAW files;
    - fixed a data storage bug that caused a deadlock;
    - fixed the automatic switching between the Before and After tabs by mouse click;
    - fixed the restoration of the toolbar position when working with filters having their own panel;
    - fixed the displaying of strict horizontal and vertical lines;
    - fixed the crash of the program that occurred when editing shapes.


February 15, 2018 - build 1.2.1519.16038
New Actions, Updated RAW Processing Algorithm, Interface Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Added new actions: B&W Comics, Mosaic, Textured Glass.
  2. The RAW processing algorithm has been improved.
  3. Added support for RAW formats of new cameras.
  4. Changes have been made to the interface of the program.
  5. Fixed bugs:
    - error that occurred when transferring the processing result from the built-in HDRFactory plugin to the editor;
    - fixed minor bugs.


January 19, 2018 - build 1.2.1512.15969
Accelerated Image Processing and Interface Improvements

List of Changes:

  1. Some algorithms have been significantly accelerated.
  2. The New Image dialog has been improved. Added new presets to the Photo and Web groups.
  3. Added the Pixel Grid option. It appears when you zoom in to 600% or higher.
  4. The default interface theme has been changed to Gray.
  5. Fixed bugs:
    - incorrect displaying of data at the border of the Image Window at large scales;
    - fixed minor bugs.


December 22, 2017 - build 1.2.1499.15877
Redesigned New Image Dialog and Update of Built-In Plugins: Retoucher 9.0, MakeUp 5.0, Neon 3.0

List of Changes:

  1. Updated built-in plug-ins: Retoucher, MakeUp, and Neon.
  2. Redesigned the New Image dialog window.
  3. Changed the minimum size of the Settings Panel for all effects, filters and adjustments.
  4. The selection is cleared before inserting into the target document.
  5. In the Preferences, added the new display mode - Display only the Settings Panel. All other panels in the dock are hidden when executing the filter.
  6. Changed the default settings of the Move tool: disabled the Auto Select mode, activated the Layer selection instead of the Group selection.
  7. The algorithm of layer moving using the Move tool has been improved. Reduced the memory usage when performing operations with the mouse.
  8. Improved the displaying of the "gradient line" element when changing the interface scale.
  9. Fixed bugs:
    - unified the color of inactive icons;
    - fixed the incorrect size of the units list in the Print dialog when changing the interface language;
    - error that occurred when resizing the Settings Panel of the Hue/Saturation adjustment;
    - incorrect displaying of the result image in the Image Window after processing using some filters.


November 13, 2017 - build 1.2.1459.15745
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: AirBrush 5.1 and Points 3.5

List of Changes:

  1. Updated built-in plug-ins: AirBrush and Points.
  2. Added translation of custom preset names in Levels and Curves adjustments when changing the interface language.
  3. Fixed bugs:
    - incorrect transferring of partially transparent layers to .8bf plugins;
    - error that occurred when changing the parameters of the adjustment layer during the calculation;
    - error that occurred when trying to apply the Invert adjustment to the mask of a non-raster layer;
    - error that occurred when trying to change the Opacity and Strength parameter values of the Standard Brushes using the number keys 0,1,2,..9;
    - error that occurred when trying to change the size of the Quick Selection tool with hotkeys [ and ];
    - fixed crash of the program when initializing .8bf processes on some Windows platforms;
    - minor errors in the displaying of the program interface.


October 19, 2017 - build 1.2.1451.15700
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: SmartMask 10 and Other Changes

List of Changes:

  1. The built-in SmartMask plug-in has been updated to version 10.0. Read more...
  2. Added a limitation on the maximum available scale of the interface, depending on the screen resolution.
  3. Added a prohibition on copying layers to the documents currently being processed with filters.
  4. Added automatic rescaling of an image when publishing, when the allowed size is exceeded.
  5. When converting real numbers in the program interface, the regional settings of the OS user interface now are used (decimal mark).
  6. Increased the size of the file thumbnail saved in .akvis format.
  7. Small changes were made to the interface of the program.
  8. Fixed bugs:
    - incorrect displaying of the contents of a layer group with the added Stroke layer effect;
    - errors in the general blur algorithm;
    - incorrect positioning of decorations in the output area;
    - fixed possible crash of the program when applying a mask to an adjustment or shape layer;
    - incorrect displaying of a layer with a mask in the Layers panel when navigating through History states;
    - incorrect displaying of the alpha channel when navigating through History states.


September 28, 2017
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: Compatibility with MacOS 10.13 and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Added compatibility with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
  2. The algorithm of the Eraser tool has been accelerated.
  3. Fixed bugs:
    - error of image processing that occurred when applying adjustment layers within the layer group in the Pass Through mode;
    - incorrect displaying of action names in the History panel typed in non-latin letters;
    - incorrect displaying of inactive icons;
    - error that occurred when processing white and black points in the Two Keys effect;
    - incorrect displaying of content of a layer group after restoring its visibility;
    - incorrect displaying of content of a layer after changing its visibility;
    - incorrect deleting of image metadata when disabling the EXIF/IPTC data recording;
    - error that occurred when adjusting the Opacity of a layer effect in the Layers panel;
    - error that occurred when editing a layer with layer effects applied using drawing tools;
    - incorrect displaying of the last used effect when changing the interface language;
    - minor bugs related to the displaying of the program interface.


September 6, 2017 - build 1.2.1425.15620
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: New Multicolor Mode and Spray Effect in AirBrush Plugin

List of Changes:

  1. The built-in AirBrush plugin has been updated to version 5.0. Read more...
  2. Added support for RAW files from several new cameras.
  3. The Tool Options panel has been improved (indents and size of icons).
  4. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the crash of the program when logging out in the publishing window;
    - the background color of the Learn Panel is now in keeping with the interface theme color;
    - fixed the color of links in the Gray theme.


August 10, 2017 - build 1.2.1422.15592
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: LightShop Presets and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Added ready-to-use presets to the LightShop plugin.
  2. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the crash of the program when changing the color space of the document with the subsequent revealing of previously hidden layers;
    - incorrect displaying of the Color Ring in the Eyedropper tool when changing the interface scale (with the empty Image Window);
    - fixed the crash of the program on Win that occurred when switching to another document while executing the Batch Processing with adjustment commands.


August 9, 2017
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: Enhancements and Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. The built-in AKVIS plugins have been grouped into the Built-In Plugins category.
  2. The built-in AKVIS LightShop plugin has been updated to the version 6.0 and now offers the Sparkle Brush tool. Learn more...
  3. Implemented the caching mechanism for the font database.
  4. Added the rendering of font type icons to the font drop-down list.
  5. Enhanced the animation in an inactive application window:
    - fixed the mouse cursor jerking;
    - fixed the incorrect displaying of "marching ants".
  6. Scaling of the Color Ring in the Eyedropper tool.
  7. Optimized the displaying of panels for large interface scales.
  8. Added the options panel for the Hand tool.
  9. The built-in AKVIS plugins can now be applied to the selections.
  10. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the crash of the program when editing a text layer with table elements;
    - fixed the incorrect displaying of layer effects applied to a group;
    - fixed the incorrect termination of the 8bf file when canceling the plugin.


July 28, 2017
Update of AliveColors Image Editor: Interface Improvements and Other Changes

List of Changes:

  1. Added a new interface theme - Gray. You can change the interface theme in the program Preferences.
  2. The Dark and Light interface themes have been redesigned.
  3. The start screen has been improved.
  4. The Settings Panel is now attached to the upper right corner of the Image Window by default.
  5. Added the ability to change the color profile of a document (Image -> Convert to Profile command).
  6. The color selection dialog now opens with a single mouse click.
  7. Changed the dimensions of the Toolbar and the Tool Options panel.
  8. Added a wait cursor for long-term transformation operations.
  9. Added a re-creation of damaged thumbnails on the start screen when opening a document.
  10. Improved the resizing of the Actions panel.
  11. The panels are now movable only by dragging the title bar.
  12. The Preferences command is now available in the File menu.
  13. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed an error that occurred when launching the built-in plugins after the program crash;
    - fixed an error of parallel launching of several built-in plugins;
    - fixed an error that occurred when launching the built-in plugins for users with a space character in the name;
    - fixed an error that occurred when checking the possibility of applying the New Shape tool;
    - fixed the incorrect displaying of rulers when changing their colors.


July 12, 2017 - build 1.1.1350.15482
Update of AliveColors: Improvements & Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. The trial version of the image editor now works properly.
  2. In the Free version, the following additional features are now available for use:
    - Adjustments (Image -> Adjustment menu);
    - Adjustment Layers (Layers -> New -> Adjustment Layer menu);
    - Freeform shape in the New Shape tool.
  3. The Page Curl effect has been added to the list of effects.
  4. Added built-in presets for the Gradient Fill tool, Actions, Levels and Curves adjustments.
  5. Fixed bugs:

    - fixed an error that caused freezing when launching the program on Mac;
    - fixed an error of displaying the text;
    - fixed an error that appeared when running built-in AKVIS plugins on Windows x64;
    - fixed an error that appeared when running built-in AKVIS plugins when the installation folder or the user name contained national characters;
    - fixed a bug that caused the program to crash when trying to publish an image;
    - fixed an error that prevented the saving of a language selected during the installation;
    - fixed an error that caused the program to crash when applying plugins to 16-bit and 32-bit images.


July 7, 2017 - build 1.0.1332.15450
Update of AliveColors: Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Added the ability to call built-in AKVIS plugins on Mac x64.
  2. Bug fixes:
    - fixed an error of displaying tool's icons and parameters when changing the interface theme;
    - fixed an error that occurred when transferring the selections to built-in AKVIS plugins;
    - fixed an error of recalling built-in AKVIS plugins from the History panel;
    - fixed an error of displaying the text color similar to the background color.

It is recommended to uninstall the older version before installing the new one.


July 4, 2017 - build 1.0.1310.15395
Official Release of AliveColors!

List of Changes:

  1. Added support for graphic tablets in standard brushes.
  2. Added built-in AKVIS plugins: AirBrush, Coloriage, Enhancer, HDRFactory, LightShop, MakeUp, NatureArt, Neon, Noise Buster, Points, Retoucher, and SmartMask.
  3. Added support for external plugins (.8bf) on Mac x64.
  4. The new Freehand shape has been added to the New Shape tool.
  5. Enabled the applying of the Hand tool by pressing space bar while the New Shape tool is running.
  6. Added the ability to open the context menu of tools by clicking any area in the Image Window.
  7. Added the restoring of the contents of text and vector layers when changing the color space of the document.
  8. Added the compatibility check of the adjustment layer when changing the color space of the document.
  9. Added translations of tooltips for shape layers in the Layers panel.
  10. In the Layers panel, added the visualization of additional states when dragging groups, layers, masks, and effects.
  11. Added the tool icons in the History panel (Crop, Text, Magic Wand, Quick Selection, New Shape, and Edit Shape).
  12. The Move tool has been improved. Disabled the activation of the Snap command when clicking the layer with the mouse.
  13. The Print dialog now displays the last used printer. If you restart the program, the default printer is restored.
  14. Bug fixes:
    - fixed an error in the order of assigning the original data for the pipette in the Color Ring panel;
    - enhanced the performance of the selection tools when working with large images;
    - fixed the incorrect displaying result when changing the image scale;
    - fixed the incorrect displaying result when changing the data format;
    - fixed an error that occurred when hiding the parameter slider by clicking in the Image Window;
    - fixed an error of displaying the scroll bar in the Settings Panel after opening the filter parameters panel;
    - fixed the incorrect positioning of the color selection dialog (at the screen border);
    - fixed an error of saving adjustment layers in the AKVIS format;
    - fixed an error of loading vector shapes from the PSD format;
    - fixed an error of loading the adjustment layer parameters from the PSD format;
    - fixed an error that occurred when constructing histograms;
    - fixed an error of working with profiles that occurred when selecting a color using the pipette from shape layers, Levels and Curves adjustment layers, color selection dialog and when transferring colors to plugins (.8bf);
    - fixed an error of updating the Smoothing option when selecting a gradient in the library;
    - fixed an issue that prevented the creation of the new selection in the Subtract and Intersect modes (Quick Selection tool).


June 8, 2017
AliveColors Beta: Improvements and Bug Fixes!

List of Changes:

  1. Enhanced the performance of the Emboss, Bevel, Deboss, and Stroke layer effects.
  2. The stability of the editor has been improved.
  3. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed the error that occurred when displaying the Settings Panel of the Pinch effect;
    - fixed the problem with the translation of tooltips in the Tool Options panel of the Gradient Fill tool when changing the interface language;
    - fixed the error that caused the program to crash when clicking the Cancel button in auto processing filters;
    - fixed the error of displaying the transparency grid for large scales;
    - fixed the error that occurred when applying the layer effects of the Bevel & Emboss group on areas with complex shapes;
    - fixed the error occurred while processing the command Workspace -> Snap for the Edit Shape tool.
    - fixed the bug that caused problems with adjustment the opacity of a layer using the mouse wheel.


May 25, 2017
AliveColors Beta: French UI, Enhanced Crop Tool, Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. The user interface is now available in French! You can change the language in the program's Preferences, in the General tab.
  2. Now you can save custom aspect ratios in the Crop tool.
  3. Fixed bugs:
    - fixed a bug that caused the program to crash when removing the active selection of a single visible layer in the Auto Select mode of the Move tool;
    - fixed the synchronization error that occurred when displaying tooltips in the Tool Options panel when changing the interface language;
    - incorrect displaying of source data in a format other than RGB, if the data does not have a profile (for all filters).


May 18, 2017 - beta 1.0.1214.14995
AliveColors Beta: Update Available!

List of Changes:

  1. Added the ability to convert a raster layer into an artistic layer.
  2. The angle of the light incident is now equal for all layer effects.
  3. Added the ability to edit the mask of an empty group of layers.
  4. In the Crop tool, the transformation center is set to the center of the image by clicking the Reset button.
  5. Fixed some bugs:
    - error when entering a space character in a text layer;
    - fixed bug that caused the recalculation of measurement units of the rulers based on the screen resolution instead of the image resolution;
    - error when recovering the cursor appearance after disabling the Eyedropper tool in the Text tool;
    - repeated displaying of an message when attempting to transform a locked, empty or invisible layer;
    - error when updating commands in the Select menu when changing a status in the Selections panel;
    - fixed bug that caused the program to crash when switching states in the History panel.


May 11, 2017
Update of AliveColors Beta: Improved Work with Layers, Color Wheel, Bug Fixes

List of Changes:

  1. Improved work with layers:

    - added the ability to copy layers and layer groups by dragging with the mouse while holding down the Shift+Alt keys on Win, +Options on Mac;
    - added the ability to move layer masks between layers and groups of layers by dragging with the mouse;
    - added the ability to copy layer masks by dragging with the mouse while holding down the Shift+Alt keys, +Options on Mac;
    - added the ability to move layer effects to another layers and groups of layers by dragging them with the mouse;
    - added the ability to copy layer effects to another layers and groups of layers by dragging them with the mouse while holding down the Shift+Alt keys on Win, +Options on Mac.

  2. The new color selection panel has been added - Color Wheel.
  3. Now you can activate the Hand tool when transforming or cropping an image by pressing and holding the space bar.
  4. Added changes to the hotkeys.
  5. The Reset button has been added to the Crop tool.
  6. Extended support for the PSD format (loading of shape layers).
  7. The Auto Select mode in the Edit Shape tool has been improved.
  8. Fixed the displaying of layer effects applied to a group of layers when minimizing by clicking on the group icon. In this case, the layer effects will be displayed in the Layers panel even for the minimized group.
  9. Changed the work of the command Layers - Merge Visible. Now it can be used even if all layers are visible.
  10. Added forced termination of active local tools when creating guidelines.
  11. Now you can see the Build Date by clicking the version number in the About AliveColors window.
  12. The Plugins folder is now automatically created after the installation of AliveColors.
  13. Fixed some bugs:
    - fixed the error that caused the removing of recently used fonts from the main list;
    - fixed the error occurred when loading/saving an empty artistic layer in AKVIS format;
    - fixed the error occurred when processing some numeric hotkeys;
    - fixed the error that caused the loss of the crop area size in the Crop tool when changing the interface language;
    - fixed the error when retrieving data from large image with the Eyedropper tool;
    - fixed the error that prevented recalculation of the layer opacity;
    - resolved an issue with layer mask thumbnails not being displayed for an empty group of layers;
    - fixed the error that appeared when switching from layer to mask in a single color channel.


April 25, 2017
Next Update Available: Auto Select, Font Preview, Bug Fixes!

List of Changes:

  1. The Auto Select feature has been added to the Edit Shape tool.
  2. Added the possibility to move a vector shape or selected points of a vector shape using the arrow keys in the New Shape and the Edit Shape tools.
  3. In the Text tool, added the possibility to preview fonts by scrolling through the font list.
  4. Fixed some bugs:
    - fixed the notification error that occurred when the notification was unavailable in a specific language;
    - fixed the error that occurred when entering numeric values using the Text tool;
    - fixed the error of displaying the progress bar when changing the color of the interface.


April 19, 2017 - build 1.0.1052.14603
AliveColors Beta: Update Available! Italian UI

List of Changes:

  1. Added new interface language: Italian. You can change the interface language in the Preferences (General tab).
  2. Fixed the bug that prevented entering the numeric values.
  3. Fixed incorrect order of news in the notification panel.


April 18, 2017 - beta 1.0.1052.14603
AliveColors Beta Has Been Updated!

List of Changes:

  1. The Zoom tool has been enhanced: now you can choose between two options in the Settings Panel - Zoom In and Zoom Out. Additionally, new scale modes (Fit to View, 100%) are available.
  2. Improved the Crop tool:

    - if there is a selection, the tool automatically creates a crop frame around the selection area;
    - when you hold down the Ctrl key and click the image, a crop frame covers the entire image.

  3. Added the ability to edit the last two points with the mouse when creating a freeform shape.
  4. Changed the order of parameters in the context menu of Standard Brushes.
  5. Added the ability to adjust the Opacity and Strength parameters of Standard Brushes using the number keys 0,1,2,..9.
  6. Changed the hotkeys. In order for the changes to take effect, you may need to reset the hotkey settings to default.
  7. Redesigned tabs in the RAW processing mode.
  8. Fixed some bugs:
    - fixed the color calculation error in the Saturation parameter (Hue/Saturation adjustment);
    - fixed the default font size error in the Text tool;
    - fixed the synchronization error of the Art Cloning check-box in the Chameleon Brush tool when exiting the mode through the button in the History panel;
    - fixed the translation error of the Refine Edge button in the Settings Panel of the selection tools when changing the interface language;
    - fixed the error that occurred when copying non-raster layers to the clipboard;
    - fixed the recalculation error that occurred when editing a mask added to the adjustment layer;
    - notification error.


April 7, 2017 - beta 1.0.1052.14603
Next Update of AliveColors Beta!

List of Changes:

  1. Accelerated the autosave process.
  2. Added the deferred autosave option for a filter processing.
  3. Improved the Text tool:

    - added the font preview to the fonts list;
    - the recently used fonts are displayed at the top of the list in chronological order (max. 10);
    - added the anti-aliasing feature;
    - added the Eyedropper tool for sampling colors in the image.

  4. Added support for the following cameras: Canon PowerShot G9 X Mark II, Canon EOS M5, FUJIFILM X100F, FUJIFILM X-T20, FUJIFILM X-A3, NIKON D5600, Panasonic DC-FZ82, Panasonic DC-GX800, Sony ILCE-6500.
  5. Added new hotkeys, old hotkeys has been standardized.
  6. Now it's possible to open an image by double-clicking in the empty image window of the editor (the start screen is off).
  7. In the Preferences, the default interface scale is set to Auto; the Use OS File Dialog check-box is enabled.
  8. Added automatic switching to the Move tool when inserting a selection from the clipboard.
  9. For Rectangular, Elliptical, Lasso and Polygonal selection tools, added the possibility to undo the selection with the left mouse click outside the selection area (only in the New Selection mode).
  10. The minimum brush size of the Oil Brush and the Artistic Smudge has been reduced from 3 to 1.
  11. The Tilt range of the the Artistic Pencil tool has been changed from (0..100) to (-100..100).
  12. The following parameters are now displayed on the upper settings panel:

    - Spray tool: Drop Density, Drop Size;
    - Clone Stamp tool: Aligned check-box;
    - Chameleon Brush: Aligned check-box, Artistic Cloning check-box, Run button;
    - Blur tool: Radius;
    - Sharpen tool: Radius.

  13. Added the switching of color components to Grayscale mode when selecting a single color channel (Color Panel).
  14. Added the automatic enabling of guidelines when creating them.
  15. Improved the notification mechanism of the notification panel and the filter settings panel.
  16. Added the displaying of layer effects for a group of layers in the Pass Through mode.
  17. Changed the design of the RAW processing panel.
  18. Improved background rendering for sliders.
  19. Fixed some bugs:

    - fixed the displaying of notification after changing the interface language.
    - fixed the error, which occurred when renaming an action during its execution;
    - fixed the error of saving correction layers in the .akvis format;
    - fixed the error of layer mask processing in adjustment layers;
    - fixed the error of the initial displaying of the preview frame in the RAW processing mode;
    - fixed the GPU rendering error in the RAW processing mode (Chromatic Aberration algorithm);
    - fixed the error of saving the Temperature and Tint parameters in a preset (RAW processing mode);
    - fixed the error of re-initialization of the GPU process after cancelling;
    - fixed the error of displaying the cursor after rotating the text input area;
    - in the History panel, fixed the error of incorrect selection of elements in the enclosed group;
    - fixed the error of applying the Radial blur effect to an image with a non-zero alpha channel.


March 28, 2017 - beta 1.0.1052.14603
AliveColors Beta: The First Update Available!

AliveColors has been updated with multiple bug fixes and improvements.

List of Changes in AliveColors:

  1. Added the new Artistic Smudge tool.
  2. Added the Learn Panel to the start screen.
  3. Improved the color selecting algorithm used by the Eyedropper tool.
  4. Improved the Autosave feature.
  5. Added the image alignment feature in the Image Window (when the image is smaller than the Image Window, it is centered by double-clicking on a square between the scroll bars).
  6. Improved the 8bf interface.
  7. Improved the Edit Shape tool so that it validates the compatibility of the layer type.
  8. In the RAW processing mode, icons are added to the interface tabs.
  9. Added the RAW file filter to the file open dialog.
  10. Displaying the preview area has been removed from default configuration.
  11. Changed the appearance of the preview area frame.
  12. Improved the recognition of the file format when uploading a file with the wrong extension.
  13. Fixed multiple bugs:
    - fixed the crash on Mac caused by opening pop-up dialog boxes;
    - in the Perspective Shadow effect, fixed the bug when saving the color of the shadow;
    - fixed the deleting of a gradient point when reloading the file;
    - fixed the error that caused the crash when working with selection;
    - fixed the error in the in the RAW file processing dialog related to the incorrect displaying of the preview area check-box;
    - fixed the synchronization error occurred when changing the parameter values of artistic brushes;
    - fixed the error of entering the space character in a text layer.


March 21, 2017 - beta 1.0.1036.14530
AliveColors Image Editor for Win and Mac: Beta Version Now Available for Download! (Press Release, PDF)

We are incredibly excited to announce the beta version of AliveColors image editor!

AliveColors is all-in-one graphics and photo editing software for Windows and Mac. This self-explanatory program is not only intended for professionals, but also for amateurs and beginners. With the vast array of supplied tools, adjustments, filters, and effects, AliveColors enhances photos to their full potential. Along with the image enhancement features, the software provides users with artistic brushes and filters that allow them to stylize photos and create images from scratch. The program also includes easy-to-use shape tools which are indispensable for designing scalable vector-based graphics.

The software manipulates pictures in any way one can imagine: retouches and repairs photos, reduces digital noise, improves focus, applies blur effects, colorizes b&w photos, corrects color and tone, improves detail, performs all necessary prepress adjustments, creates HDR images, extracts complex objects, adds text, edits RAW files, combines images into collages, applies a variety of unique effects, paints and draws, etc. - all in a customer-friendly manner. This comprehensive image editor provides maximum performance with minimum effort!

Download AliveColors Beta and try all the features after a one-time registration.

The software runs on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10; and on Mac OS X 10.9-10.11 and macOS 10.12 - 64-bit only.