Move Tool

The Move tool lets you drag an object (layer) by holding the left mouse button.

Using the arrow keys with the enabled tool, you can move the active layer or the selected fragment in the chosen direction in increments of one pixel or with the Ctrl key in increments of 10 pixels.

Hold the Shift+Alt keys while moving a layer/object to create and move its copy.

    Moving Objects Moving Objects

The tool's parameters will be displayed in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window and by right-clicking within the image.

    Auto Select check-box. Enable this mode to automatically select a single layer or layer groups with the mouse click. Use this feature when working with a multilayer document.

    Double-clicking on a vector shape or text will activate the Edit Shape tool, the Text tool, or the Fit Text to Path tool, respectively, to edit the selected element.

    Show Bounds check-box. This option lets you show/hide a bounding box of the moving object.

    Show Bounds Show Bounds

    Hide Bounds Hide Bounds

    Note. If you enable the check-box and drag one of the square markers, the Free Transform tool is activated. The transformation parameters are displayed in the Settings Panel.

    Use the following buttons to align the selected layer relative to the canvas or multiple selected layers to each other:

      - align top edges,

      - align vertical centers,

      - align bottom edges,

      - align left edges,

      - align horizontal centers,

      - align right edges.

    Top Edges Aligned Top Edges Aligned

    Horizontal Centers Aligned Horizontal Centers Aligned


Click the Default button to reset the settings.