In this example, we will show the process of retouching a faded, scratched photo in the AliveColors image editor.

First of all, we will use the adjustments settings in AliveColors. Then we'll apply the Chameleon Brush tool to remove scratches and creases. This tool eliminates defects in the most natural way and restores damaged areas while maintaining the texture of the original image.

Let's start with the command Image -> Adjustment -> Hue/Saturation that will remove the yellowish tint.

The image is in grey tones. It needs black and white colors to improve tonal quality. We will use the Levels command to correct it.
Let's open the Levels dialogue box, and select the command Image -> Adjustment -> Levels. We will drag the sliders below the histogram to the histogram's edges: we move the black slider to the right to 79, we move the white slider to the left to 224.

Having pressed OK in the Levels settings, we will see the following image:

Let's make the tones of the picture more intense. First, we will create a copy of the layer by dragging it to the New Layer button in the lower part of the Layers panel. Then, we will choose the Overlay mode and set the Opacity of the layer to 27%.

Now we can proceed to the removal of the defects. After the tone correction, the scratches and creases have become more pronounced, and we can detect and remove them with ease.
Select the Chameleon Brush tool and clone the intact areas to the damaged ones.

These 4 simple steps allowed us to retouch the photo in a few minutes: