Old Photo Restoration

Learn how to restore an old, damaged photo with AliveColors.

We have fixed the torn part of the photo, cropped the picture, applied Black & White and Curves adjustments. We have also applied the AKVIS Retoucher plugin to retouch the scratches and stains.

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Let's restore this damaged photo using AliveColors and AKVIS Retoucher.

Duplicate the Background layer.

Select a torn part of the photo.

Move the selected part to patch up the hole.

Crop the image.

Merge the visible layers.

Call the AKVIS Retoucher plugin: Effects -> AKVIS -> Retoucher.

Select areas to restore. Press Run to start retouching.

AKVIS Retoucher removes scratches and other defects. It reconstructs damaged areas of the photo.

Choose the Chameleon Brush tool. It copies fragments adapting them to the background.
This brush is an indispensable tool for photo retouching.

Apply the changes and close the plugin.

Choose Image -> Adjustment -> Black & White...

Then Image -> Adjustment -> Curves...

Improve the image contrast.

Due to the increased contrast, a defect on the gradient area became more noticeable.

Call the Retoucher plugin again.

Apply the Clone Stamp tool. This tool is also available in the AliveColors image editor.

Apply the changes.