The Comics effect transforms a picture into a poster or a cartoon drawing. With this filter, you can easily add creative cartoon effects to your image.
Attention! The effect is not available in the Free version of AliveColors.

The parameters of the Image group affect the simplification of the picture and the reproduction of colors.
Radius of Simplicity (0-20). Degree of posterization of the image. This parameter effects the size of the area which is simplified. The higher the value, the more homogeneous areas become.
Blur (0-100). Smoothness of an image by blurring similar colors in homogeneous areas.
Posterizing (0-100). Merging of similarly colored pixels. This parameter affects the number of distinguishable colors during simplification. At higher values of this parameter, fewer colors are used, and the image becomes more uniform and flat.
Smoothing (0-10). Smoothness of lines dividing posterized colors: the higher the value, the smoother the lines are between these areas. At lower values the border between colors becomes more "jagged".
Enable the Outlines check-box to add black boundary lines to the image. Adjust the settings for the boundaries:
Level of Detail (1-100). Level of detail and strokes that form the border.
Sensitivity (0-100). Intensity of boundary lines. The higher the value, the more lines appear in the image. Reduce the value to remove extra lines.
Thickness (1-100). Thickness of the black boundary lines. At the minimum value, contours are one pixel in width, while increasing the value makes lines thicker.
Definition (0-8). It changes size, appearance, and position of lines and method of designating contours. At higher values, more lines are used and the details of an image are more defined.
Sharpen (0-100). Sharpness of lines. At higher values, lines have more clarity and more vividly and accurately trace areas. At lower values lines become thicker and blurred.
All changes are displayed in a small preview area.
To process the entire image with the selected settings, press the Run button.
Click Default to restore the original settings.
Click OK to apply the changes to the image and close the effect parameters.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying changes.