Glitch Art

The Glitch Art effect brings digital noise and distortions giving the impression of an allegedly spoiled image. In reality, such interferences appear due to errors in the reproduction of digital recordings, technical failures, or physical damage of a device. Now this effect is achieved intentionally. This visual technique is used to increase the aesthetic value of the pictures and provides an added impact on a viewer.

    Attention! The effect is not available in the Free version of AliveColors.

Original Image Glitch Art Effect
Glitch Art
(hover the mouse over the picture to see the original image)


The effect parameters are presented in two tabs: Interferences and Stripes and Shifts.


Interferences tab

Channel Shift. The parameters of this group separate and shift the color components of the image, forming additional color outlines (the so-called 3D anaglyph effect).

Red. Shift of the red channel.

Green. Shift of the green channel.

Blue. Shift of the blue channel.

Shift of The Red Channel
Red Channel
Shift of The Green Channel
Green Channel
Shift of The Blue Channel
Blue Channel

Scan Lines. Raster lines that simulate an old TV noise effect.

    Blend Mode: Overlay or Soft Light. The mode affects the degree of contrast between the lines and the image.

    Overlay Overlay

    Soft Light Soft Light

    Thickness. Thickness of the scan lines.

    Thin Lines Thickness = 5

    Wide Lines Thickness = 20

    Sharpness. Sharpness of the edges of the lines.

    Soft Edges Sharpness = 0

    Sharp Edges Sharpness = 50

    Intensity. The degree of visibility of the lines. At 0, there is no scan line effect.

    Weak Lines Intensity = 25

    Bright Lines Intensity = 75

Noise. Adding digital noise and film grain to the image.

    Strength. The degree of visibility of noise.

    Without Noise Strength = 0

    Strong Noise Strength = 100


Stripes and Shifts Tab

Size and Position. A group of the parameters responsible for the geometry of the stripes.

    Min/Max Height. Range of change of the height of the stripes.

    Thin Stripes Min/Max Height = 1/10

    Wide Stripes Min/Max Height = 50/100

    Min/Max Length. Range of change of the length of the stripes.

    Short Stripes Min/Max Length = 20/30

    Long Stripes Min/Max Length = 190/200

    Displacement. Shift amount (for simple and inverted stripes).

    No Shift Displacement = 0

    Slight Shift Displacement = 15

Simple Shifts. The number of stripes created by displaced rectangles.

    Simple Shifts (Few Stripes) Simple Shifts = 60

    Simple Shifts (Many Stripes) Simple Shifts = 90

Simple Stretches. The number of stripes formed by stretching of rectangles.

    Simple Stretches (Few Stripes) Simple Stretches = 60

    Simple Stretches (Many Stripes) Simple Stretches = 90

Min/Max Stretch. Range of change of the length of the stretches.

    Weak Stretch Min/Max Stretch = 12/12

    Strong Stretch Min/Max Stretch = 14/15

Inverted Shifts. The number of stripes with color inversion.

    Inverted Shifts (Few Stripes) Inverted Shifts = 40

    Inverted Shifts (Many Stripes) Inverted Shifts = 60

The Vertical check-box enables vertical effects instead of horizontal ones.

    Horizontal Effects Vertical Check-Box Is Disabled

    Vertical Effects Vertical Check-Box Is Disabled

The Random Seed button generates a different distribution of stripes in the image.


If the Fixed Preview Area check-box is enabled, all changes will be displayed in a small preview area. If the check-box is disabled, the changes will be applied to the area visible in the Image Window.

Click Default to restore the original settings.

Click OK to apply the changes to the image and close the effect dialog box.

Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying changes.

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