The Fit Text to Path tool is designed for adding an inscription along the outline of the selected vector object.

Text is attached to a path (a vector line or a shape). When changing a path, the text changes accordingly.
The inscription is created on a separate text layer. You can turn it into a raster one by selecting the Rasterize Layer command in the Layers menu.
The text layer can also be converted to the shape layer using the Vectorize Text Layer command. After vectorization, each character will be represented as a separate vector shape. If the text symbol consists of several separate parts, you can select and move each part with the Edit Shape tool while holding the Alt key.
After text rasterization/vectorization, you will not be able to change or re-format it.
The basic tool settings are shown in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window. To display the full list of parameters, click on the tool's icon in the Tool Options panel or use F5.

Text Field. Here, you can enter text that will be applied along the selected vector path.
Font Family. The drop-down list contains a set of system fonts that can be used when typing.
Style. The list contains different variations of the chosen font.
Font Size (1-1500). The parameter sets the size of the characters (in points).
Choose Path. In the drop-down list in the options panel, select the vector layer with the desired curve. If there are several shapes on the layer, the text will be linked to the first one created. You can also select a vector layer from the image after clicking the button .
Text Settings:
- all lowercase
- Capitalize (All Initial Caps)
- Subscript
- Superscript
Text Color. Click on to open a dialog box with two tabs. In the Fill Shape tab, you can adjust the text color. In the Stroke tab, you can add and customize the text outline.
Click on to sample color directly from the image. Also, the color of the text can be changed using the Color, Swatches, or Color Wheel panels.
Anti-Aliasing. The button turns on anti-aliasing for the font.
Text Reflection Options:
- Reverse Text
- Mirror Text
Alignment Options:
- Align Left
- Align Center
- Align Right
- Justify
Shift Options:
- Shift Left/Right
- Shift Up/Down
- Letter Spacing
Note: You can open the tool's options panel by double-clicking on the thumbnail of the text layer in the Layers panel.
Right-clicking on text opens a menu of standard commands.
Undo. The command lets you undo a last change. The hotkey is Ctrl+Z.
Redo. The command lets you reapply a previously undone change. The hotkey is Ctrl+Y.
Cut. The command removes the selected fragment while taking it to a clipboard. The hotkey is Ctrl+X.
Copy. The command duplicates the selected fragment to the clipboard. The hotkey is Ctrl+C.
Paste. The command lets inserting data from the clipboard. The hotkey is Ctrl+V.
Delete. The command removes the selected fragment without saving it to the clipboard. The hotkey is Delete.
Select All. The command selects entire text on this layer. The hotkey is Ctrl+A.
To apply text, press OK. To cancel click on Cancel or use Esc.