You can change the current color using the Color Wheel panel. Most of the panel is occupied by a spectral color ring that allows you to easily fine-tune color settings and select perfect color combinations.
Adjust the color using one of the color markers. The number and position of markers can be adjusted using 5 large round buttons at the top of the panel.
The central part of the color wheel is a triangular or square field. Move the small round marker vertically to adjust the brightness of the selected color or horizontally to adjust its saturation. Select the shape of the field with / .
The foreground (upper) and background (lower) colors are displayed in two large squares. Double-clicking on any of them opens the Select Color dialog. To swap colors press . Reset to the default colors (main is black, background is white) by pressing .
In the field below, there is the six-digit html color code of the current foreground color.
Alternatively, you can pick colors using the Eyedropper tool .