Particles & Flowing Lines

AliveColors is a versatile image editor that offers a variety of creative opportunities. Follow this video tutorial to add wonderful particle and flowing line effects to your designs!

To recreate the effect, you will need the Smoke FX Brush available in the AliveColors image editor and the external AKVIS Explosion plugin. To make the resulting image even more dramatic, we use the Motion Blur effect. Get inspired and start creating!

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Creating Stunning Effects in AliveColors Using AKVIS Explosion Plugin & Smoke FX Brush

Open an image and duplicate the Background Layer. Name the layer "Particles".

Call the AKVIS Explosion plugin: Effects -> AKVIS -> Explosion.

Select the Particles effect.

Use the Selection Brush to mark areas to be scattered.

You can try different Blend modes.

Use the Eraser tool to edit the strokes created with the Selection Brush.

Increase the parameters in the Wind tab: Turbulence, Fading.

Go to the Particles tab and adjust Dispersion and Size.

Go to the Texture tab and select a new particle shape.

Reduce Size and Density in the Particles tab.

Select the Color Dodge blend mode.

You can experiment with other particle shapes.

And also add the Motion Blur effect.

Adjust the rest of the parameters until you are satisfied with the result.

Apply the result.

Duplicate the Particles layer and select the Normal blend mode.

Activate the Smoke FX Brush in the toolbar.

Select a color, adjust the tool size, and draw flowing lines at the bottom of the image.

Add lines of different sizes.

Change the blend mode to Hard Light.

Add the Motion Blur effect to the top layer: Effects -> Blur -> Motion Blur.

Adjust the Distance and the Angle parameter values.

Click OK.

The image is ready!