AKVIS Format

The software offers the special AKVIS format which lets you losslessly save a working draft of your project into a file.

To save a file in the .akvis format, go to the main menu and select File -> Save As. In the dialog box, choose a destination folder, type a filename, and select AKVIS Document (*.akvis) from the Format list.

To load a file, use the command File -> Open.

The AKVIS file contains the state of an image at the moment it was saved, all layers (raster, text, adjustment, shape) and groups, with their properties, masks and selections as well as manually created checkpoints added during your work (in History).


The AKVIS format provides helpful opportunities to work with files:

  1. saving a document structure (layers, their groups and properties);
  2. saving text, adjustment, and shape layers without rastering them;
  3. saving masks and layer effects in the document structure;
  4. saving checkpoints (the possibility to revert to a previous state);
  5. saving all the selections of the same panel;

We recommend you to use the AKVIS format to save a draft or a backup copy.
You can save the final result using JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, WEBP formats to be able to share it.