The Noise Removal filter uses machine learning algorithms to remove digital noise while preserving edges and details.
Note: The filter is not available in the free version of AliveColors.

Select in the main menu: AI -> Noise Removal. Adjust the parameters in the Settings Panel.
Noise Level. Select the noise suppression mode depending on the quality of a photo:
Weak Noise;
Strong Noise;
Strong Compression with Noise.
Post-Processing. You can refine the result obtained by the neural network. Enable the check-box to remove residual defects. You can also change the parameters:
Edge Intensity (0-100). The parameter makes the edges more clear and well-defined.
Sharpness (0-100). The parameter changes the clarity of the image by enhancing the contrast between pixels.
Fixed Preview Area. If the check-box is enabled, all changes will be displayed in a small preview area. If the check-box is disabled, the changes will be applied to the entire image.
Click Default to reset the settings to default.
Click OK to apply the changes to the image and close the filter's dialog box.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying changes.