The Color Brush is used to draw free-form lines with soft borders. Using this tool, you can draw either a clear or blurry line, but they will always be soft.
You can change the brush color using the Color panel, Swatches panel, Color Wheel panel, or by clicking the image with the Eyedropper tool. To pick a color sample, press and hold the I key and then click the image with the Eyedropper tool. After the hotkey is released, the painting tool becomes active again.
The basic tool settings are shown in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window or by right-clicking on the image. To display the full list of parameters, press the tool icon in the Tool Options panel or use the F5 key. To specify the parameter settings, enter a numerical value in the parameter’s field or use the slider.
Element - in the drop-down list, select the type of the basic element of the brush: Ellipse or Select Shape.
Size (1-5000). The maximum width of a line which can be drawn with the brush (in pixels).
Hardness (0-100). The amount of blurriness of the outer edge. The higher the value of this parameter, the harder the edge of the brush becomes. At almost 100%, the brush draws almost as hard as a pencil; while at a lower value the transition from the edge to the background is processed more smoothly.

Opacity (1-100). Opacity of the brush strokes in relation to the background color. As the value is decreased, the line becomes paler and its interaction with the background grows stronger.

Fill (1-100). The paint's density in a single brush stroke. When strokes are painted over one another, the paint becomes denser (as opposed to the Opacity parameter). At lower values of this parameter, the color of applied strokes is weaker. When the parameter is set to 100%, the brush paints with maximum opacity.

Blend Mode. It defines how the brush strokes blend with the background. The program provides 27 blend modes.

Beside the above-listed settings, there are some additional parameters that regulate the shape of the brush stroke.
Press the Default button to set all settings to their default values.
To draw a straight line, first specify the starting point with the left mouse button, then, while keeping Shift pressed, move the cursor to the desired end point of the line and release Shift. If Shift is not released, a new line will be drawn to each point where the mouse is clicked.