What if the objects in your photo don't look as lively and colorful on your computer as they did when you took them? Using the built-in Enhancer plugin in AliveColors image editor, you can easily add some shine to faded photos and enliven wishy washy colors that are too pale and lack vitality.

(mouse over to see the original image)
Start AliveColors. Open the source image File -> Open...

Launch the built-in Enhancer plugin in Improve Details mode: Effects -> Built-in Plugins -> Enhancer -> Improve Details...

Adjust the settings to make muted colors more intensive and vivid and enhance image detail. Use the Preview option to preview the processing output. When you select the Fast mode, the calculation is fast based on the thumbnail image. When selecting HQ, the image takes longer to process in its original size.
By experimenting with the settings, you can completely change the mood of the photo, from softer to more dramatic.

Here are the settings closer:

Apply the changes by clicking .
Use the Lighten tool to add highlights to the girl's face and hair, and horse's mane.

The result is a vibrant photo that radiates true liveliness, joy, and energy.