The Artistic Smudge is designed for mixing different colors and changing the relief of painted strokes.
The basic tool settings are shown in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window. To display the full list of parameters, press the tool icon in the Tool Options panel, or right-click the image. To specify the parameter settings, enter a numerical value in the parameter’s field or use the slider.
Size (1-300). The maximum line width which can be obtained by the brush (in pixels).
Relief (0-100). The prominence of stroke details. As this parameter is increased, the pattern left by the brush’s hairs in the paint is more pronounced and the relief of strokes is stronger.

Color Mixing (0-100). The parameter defines the state of the paint when drawing with the brush. At value = 0 the strokes do not mix together. The higher the value, the more strokes will be smeared and mix.

Flat Brush. The check-box changes the shape of the edges of the brush strokes. If it is enabled, the strokes look like drawn with a flat brush or a palette knife. When this option is disabled, the brush strokes look like created with a round brush or as if paint squeezed out of a tube.

Press the Default button to set all settings to their default values.