Eye-popping text effects make a difference. They can be used for various types of design projects, from print to digital, including logos, T-shirts, signage, and brochure designs. Learn how to create a multi-layered text effect on a custom background using AliveColors image editor!

Creating a Background
Open the AliveColors image editor. Create a new image (File -> New... or Ctrl+N). In the Web group, select the Instagram | Profile Photo preset (180x180 px) and click ОК.
In the toolbar, select the Paint Bucket tool and fill the background layer with dark gray: RGB(40,40,40).
Select the Color Brush tool , select the Hard Round Brush in the preset list and set Size = 80. Create a new raster layer and draw a black circle in the center. For more accurate positioning, you can use guidelines.
In the Layers panel, click and select the Inner Shadow layer effect in the drop-down list. Adjust the effect settings as follows:

Save the resulting image as a texture. To do this, select the New Texture command in the Edit menu, enter any name and click ОК. Then you can close this document.

Create a new document (File -> New... or Ctrl+N). We selected 1280x1024 px preset from the Web group.
In the toolbar, select the Texture Brush . Press the F5 hotkey to open the full parameter menu. Select the Hard Square Brush preset, find your texture in the Texture tab, set the Scale = 1% and enable on the Tile check-box. Set Size = 1300 px and fill the background layer with the selected texture.
Hint: If you wish, you can experiment with settings by changing the scale of the texture or the size and the angle of the brush.

Creating Text Effect
Select the Text tool , click the canvas, and insert some text. Adjust the text settings as follows:

In the Layers panel, click and select the Stroke layer effect. Adjust the effect settings as follows:

Right-click the text layer to open the context menu and select the Duplicate... command. The layer will be duplicated along with the effect.
Select the original text layer, double-click the Stroke layer effect to open the settings panel. Change the stroke color and increase its width:

Duplicate the layer and select the lower text layer. Open the Stroke layer effect settings panel and adjust the parameters:

The number of strokes as well as their color may vary depending on the desired effect.
Here's the finished result: