Fill Shape
Shape Tools

You can fill shapes as well as text along a path with a color or gradient. The settings affect all the vector objects within the selected shape layer.

    Fill Settings Fill Settings


The fill settings are displayed by clicking the icon next to the name of the selected shape layer or by pressing in the Tool Options panel and switching to the Fill Shape tab. The parameters will be applied to the selected shape.

Fill Types:

    No Fill . The created shape will be transparent.

    No Fill No Fill

    Color Fill . The created shape will be filled with one color.

    Color Fill Color Fill

    To choose a color bring the cursor over the spectral line (the cursor takes the form of a pipette) and click on the desired color.

    The rectangular plate below indicates the selected color. Double-click on it to open the color selection dialog. The recent colors are displayed in the adjacent fields to the right.


    Gradient Fill . The created shape will be filled with the selected gradient.

    Gradient Fill Gradient Fill

    You can specify gradient colors using the gradient line. Click on the gradient line to create a color point. You can adjust the color and opacity of any point by double-clicking on it.

    Also, you can fill the shape with a gradient using the Gradient Fill tool. Select the tool from the Toolbar and apply it to the shape layer. The settings can be adjusted using the Gradient tool parameters or using the Fill Shape parameters.

    Gradient Settings:

      Gradient Type:

        - Linear,

        - Radial,

        - Angular,

        - Reflected,

        - Diamond.

      Reverse . The button reverses the order of colors in the gradient fill.

      Original Sequence Original Sequence

      Reverse Sequence Reverse Sequence

      Dithering check-box. Activate the check-box to make the gradient smoother and reduce the number of stripes.

      Check-box is disabled Check-box is disabled

      Check-box is enabled Check-box is enabled

      Aligned check-box. If the check-box is enabled, the gradient is aligned to the shape and moves appropriately with it. If the check-box is disabled, the gradient is aligned to the document and doesn't move when dragging the shape. You can scale the gradient by turning the check-box on/off.

      Check-box is disabled Check-box is disabled

      Check-box is enabled Check-box is enabled

      Scale (10-150%). The parameter sets the distance between the extreme points of the gradient. The default value is 100% and matches the size of the shape.

      Scale = 20 Scale = 20
      Scale = 120 Scale = 120

      Angle (-180..180). The parameter allows you to rotate the gradient.

      Angle = 30 Angle = 30
      Angle = 90 Angle = 90

      Smoothing (0-100). The parameter makes the gradient smoother by smoothing the transitions between the individual colors and shades of colors.

      Smoothing = 10 Smoothing = 10

      Smoothing = 100 Smoothing = 100


    Opacity (0-100). The parameter is common to both fill types and sets the overall fill opacity: the lower the value, the more pale and transparent the shapes are on the selected layer.

    Opacity = 40 Opacity = 40

    Opacity = 90 Opacity = 90


To outline the selected shape, configure the settings in the Stroke tab.

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